Benjamin Banneker Association, Inc.
4606 FM 1960 W
Suite 440 PMB 1044
Houston, TX 77069
The Benjamin Banneker Association, Inc. (BBA) is a non-profit organization of individuals and groups concerned about the mathematics education of ALL children – specifically African-American children. It was founded in 1986 to provide a forum for mathematics educators, mathematicians, and other interested people to discuss the teaching and learning of mathematics for African-American children. BBA is deeply committed to finding solutions to the problems that must be solved for African-American children to reach parity in opportunities to study and achieve in mathematics. Membership is open to all who have a profound interest in the mathematics education of African-American children.
Pamela Seda
Seda Educational Consulting, LLC
Term: July 1, 2024 – June 2026
Past President
Shelly M. Jones
Central Connecticut State University
Term: April 2021 – June 2024
Executive Director
Lybrya Kebrea