2016 NSF-CBMS Regional Research Conferences in the Mathematical Sciences

Discrete Painleve Equations

Nalini Joshi, lecturer
May 16-20 at the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Baofeng Feng and Andras Balogh, organizers
956-665-2269, baofeng.feng@utrgv.edu
956-665-3460, andras.balogh@utrgv.edu

Topological Data Analysis: Topology, Geometry, and Statistics

Sayan Mukherjee, lecturer
May 31- June 4 at the University of Texas at Austin
Lizhen Lin, Peter Mueller, and Rachel Ward, organizers
512-475-8838, lizhen.lin@austin.utexas.edu
512-471-7168, pmueller@math.utexas.edu
979-229-1584, rward@math.utexas.edu