
Brian Drew
AWM has sent out a press release honoring Magnhild Lien who has served as Executive Director from 2012 to 2018.
The CBMS Council met at the MAA Carriage House on Thursday, December 7, 2017.
The American Council on Education has summarized the effects of changes to the tax code that will affect institutions of higher education, their graduate students, and their employees, click HERE for the summary page.
Three of the CBMS member societies, AMS, ASA, and SIAM, have signed onto a letter expressing concern about provisions in the House tax bill that will increase the financial burden for graduate students by repealing existing provisions in tax law.
NSF has announced funding for at least six CBMS Regional Conferences.
Following the publication of “Political Conocimiento for Teaching Mathematics” by Rochelle Gutierrez in the AMTE publication Building Support for Scholarly Practices in Mathematics Methods and the position statement taken by NCSM and TODOS, these societies have come under attack for what is interpreted as the politicization of mathematics instruction. See below for links to the...
The 2015 CBMS Survey reveals that over the past decade, we have lost 2000 tenure lines while increasing the number of full-time contract faculty by over 3000.
Ken Ribet, AMS President, has posted a personal statement on the DACA announcement at
The Joint Policy Board for Mathematics, consisting of AMS, ASA, MAA, and SIAM has issued the following statement on Mathematics and Statistics Community Engagement with NSF Big Ideas:
From AMATYC: It is with deep regret and sorrow that AMATYC announces the death of Wanda Garner, Executive Director. She has been active in the organization for many years serving as a Vice President, President, and Program Chair before becoming the AMATYC Executive Director. She has impacted the lives of many AMATYC members during her...
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