Sunday–Tuesday, May 1–3, 2022
Hyatt Regency Hotel, Reston, Virginia
CBMS has reserved a block of 200 rooms at the Hyatt Regency in Reston, Virginia for Sunday and Monday nights and some rooms for Saturday and Tuesday nights at the discounted rate of $209 + tax per night. Here are the hotel booking instructions:
If CBMS is paying for any of the nights lodging: (one of the six selected team members, members of the advisory committee, or an invited speaker) Register for the meeting at CBMS will be giving these names to the hotel at the end of March together with contact information and arrival and departure dates. When you arrive, you will be asked for a credit card to cover incidentals and any additional nights of lodging. Do NOT register directly with the hotel.
If CBMS is NOT paying for any of the nights lodging: Still register for the meeting at so that we can plan for your attendance, but also go to to book your hotel room. CBMS will not be giving your information to the hotel.
If you have any questions, contact David Bressoud
3:45–5:45 Registration
5:45–6:00 Welcome. Orientation.
6:00–6:30 Lindsay Fitzpatrick and Ryan Reyna: Successes—Lessons from the 50 state scan
6:30–7:30 Reception with hors-d’oeuvres and Gallery walk of state posters
7:30–8:30 Chapin Springer and Ruthanne Buck: Messaging
7:00–8:00 Breakfast – Cross-state Collaboration Time 1
8:00-8:15 Welcome, Joan Ferrini-Mundy
8:15–9:00 Creating Visible Pathways for Diversity in STEM: The Role of Mathematics, Karen Marrongelle,
9:00–9:15 Break
Breakout Room A: Defining Math Pathways (Tina Moore, Kisa Mormon)
Breakout Room C: Equity Priorities and Continuous Improvement (Afi Wiggins)
Breakout Room G: Education Strategy Group (Elisha Smith Arrillaga, Gloria Corral, Paolo DeMaria)
10:30–10:45 Break
10:45–11:15 State Delegate Work Time
11:15–11:30 Break
11:30-12:45 Lunch – Cross-State Collaboration Time 2
12:45–2:00 Breakouts
Breakout Room A: Plan and Implement Statewide Professional Learning (Denise Thornton)
Breakout Room C: College Readiness, Placement, Admissions (Pam Burdman, David Hawkins, Monica Lin)
Breakout Room G: AP PreCalc (Jason Van Billiard)
2:00–2:30 Break
2:30–3:45 Communications and Public Relations
3:45-4:15 State Delegate Work Time
4:15–5:15 Breakouts
Breakout Room A: Highlights: DeCentralized Governance (Lindsay Fitzpatrick)
Breakout Room C: Highlights – Launch Years Math Organization Leadership Network (Denise Thornton, John Staley)
Breakout Room G: Georgia: Actions to Implement Equitable Math Pathways in K-12 (Lya Snell, Karla Cwetna)
5:15–?? Dinner on your own, time for Cross-State Collaboration
7:00–8:00 Breakfast – Cross-State Collaboration Time 4
8:00–9:00 Talitha Washington and Ji Son: Data Science—What is it? Why does it matter? What could it look like for you?
9:00–9:15 Break
9:15 – 10:30 Breakouts
Breakout Room C: Road Map to Math Course Alignment at the Transition (Josh Recio)
Breakout Room G: PISA and Modernizing Curricula Worldwide (Paul Thomas)
10:30–10:45 Break
10:45–11:15 State Delegate Work Time
11:15 – 12:30 Lunch, with Panel on Workforce Issues
12:30 – 12:45 Closing Thoughts and Future Plans