On November 2nd and 3rd, 2001, almost 300 participants and speakers gathered near Washington DC for the National Summit on the Mathematical Education of Teachers. The Summit was an intensive two-day event, hosted and organized by the Conference Board of the Mathematical Sciences. The purpose of the Summit was to launch the document, The Mathematical Education of Teachers (MET), and to stimulate the mathematics community into making the mathematical education of teachers a priority for this decade.
Participants formed a diverse group, geographically (representing 35 states, the District of Columbia and the Virgin Islands), by specialty (mathematics, mathematics education, and education), and by affiliation (universities, four-year colleges and two-year colleges). Together, discussed the recommendations of MET, the challenges involved in implementing those recommendations, and efforts underway now at several institutions to improve the mathematics education of teachers.
Order from the AMS Bookstore
17. Conference Board of the Mathematical Sciences, The Mathematical Education of Teachers II, 2012
16. Fernando Hitt, Derek Holton, and Patrick W. Thompson, Eds., Research in Collegiate Mathematics Education VII, 2010
15. Robert E. Reys and John A. Dossey, Eds., U.S. Doctorates in Mathematics Education: Developing Stewards of the Discipline, 2008
14. Ki Hyoung Ko and Deane Arganbright, Eds., Enhancing University Mathematics: Proceedings of the First KAIST International Symposium on Teaching, 2007
13. Annie Selden, Fernando Hitt, Guershon Harel, and Shandy Hauk, Eds., Research in Collegiate Mathematics Education VI, 2006
12. Annie Selden, Ed Dubinsky, Guershon Harel, and Fernando Hitt, Eds., Research in Collegiate Mathematics Education V, 2003
11. Conference Board of the Mathematical Sciences, The Mathematical Education of Teachers, 2001
10F. Solomon Friedberg, Teaching Mathematics in Colleges and Universities: Case Studies for Today’s Classroom: Faculty Edition, 2001
10. Solomon Friedberg, Teaching Mathematics in Colleges and Universities: Case Studies for Today’s Classroom: Graduate Student Edition, 2001
9. Robert E. Reys and Jeremy Kilpatrick, Eds., One Field, Many Paths: U.S. Doctoral Programs in Mathematics Education, 2001
8. Ed Dubinsky, Alan H. Schoenfeld, and Jim Kaput, Eds., Research in Collegiate Mathematics Education IV, 2000
7. Alan H. Schoenfeld, Jim Kaput, and Ed Dubinsky, Eds., Research in Collegiate Mathematics Education III, 1998
6. Jim Kaput, Alan H. Schoenfeld, and Ed Dubinsky, Eds., Research in Collegiate Mathematics Education II, 1996
5. Naomi D. Fisher, Harvey B. Keynes, and Phillip D. Wagreich, Eds., Changing the Culture: Mathematics Education in the Research Community, 1995
4. Ed Dubinsky, Alan H. Schoenfeld, and Jim Kaput, Eds., Research in Collegiate Mathematics Education I, 1998
3. Naomi D. Fisher, Harvey B. Keynes, and Phillip D. Wagreich, Eds., Mathematicians and Education Reform 1990-1991, 1993
2. Naomi D. Fisher, Harvey B. Keynes, and Phillip D. Wagreich, Eds., Mathematicians and Education Reform 1989-1990, 1991
1. Naomi D. Fisher, Harvey B. Keynes, and Phillip D. Wagreich, Eds., Mathematicians and Education Reform, Proceedings of the July 6-8, 1988, Workshop, 1990